What's your weekly mileage goal?

Shawn Gossman

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My goal is 40 miles a week. But as it warms up, I'll try to get it to about 100 miles a week.

How about you all?
I really prefer to not have a set goal I like to be able to ride as much as I want lol. But with it getting warmer I hope to keep my weekly average mileage 100+ per week but really need to split up my activities to include more paddling and hiking. We’ll see how that works out.
I really prefer to not have a set goal I like to be able to ride as much as I want lol. But with it getting warmer I hope to keep my weekly average mileage 100+ per week but really need to split up my activities to include more paddling and hiking. We’ll see how that works out.
Yeah, I agree. Like we talked about the other day, if all I do is ride, ride, and ride, I'll get burned out quickly. It's nice to throw hiking and kayaking in there, too.
I don't have mileage goals, the body doesn't understand miles. I do have a goal however of 10-15 hours a week, mostly low effort with a few hard efforts thrown in for good measure.
Don't have a goal, just ride as much as I have time and my body will allow. I usually get around 70-100 in the winter and around 150 in the season.
one of the biggest factors is the length of daylight. temps help but not having to ride in the dark sets the total miles more than anything.
I don't think miles, since vary with road, gravel and dirt. Try to get out at least 3 days a week, one relaxing and longer, and rest cruising for fun, interspersed with different length intervals. If riding lots of hills, pick up the pace and those are my intervals!
I don't think miles, since vary with road, gravel and dirt. Try to get out at least 3 days a week, one relaxing and longer, and rest cruising for fun, interspersed with different length intervals. If riding lots of hills, pick up the pace and those are my intervals!
I need to be more like that. I just keep setting myself up to be busy all the time. I try to bike at least 2 days a week.
My 2025 started crazy when the club announced a mileage challenge for January. It was insane, I would get off work and start riding, then take a break and fix the kids supper and then go back to riding until bedtime. I ended up riding 1,250mi in Jan to take the top spot. I guess my goal is to not ride as much as I did in January lol in one month. 1250 may not be much to you younger folks but an old fat guy like me it a little harder. But I survived.
My 2025 started crazy when the club announced a mileage challenge for January. It was insane, I would get off work and start riding, then take a break and fix the kids supper and then go back to riding until bedtime. I ended up riding 1,250mi in Jan to take the top spot. I guess my goal is to not ride as much as I did in January lol in one month. 1250 may not be much to you younger folks but an old fat guy like me it a little harder. But I survived.
You basically did what I usually do in a year but in a month LOL
For January and February, goal is zero per week. Anything during these months is lagniappe. I’ll be targeting 75 in March, 100 in April, and 150 (or more) per week from May to October.

I’ll also have a few 400-500 mile weeks during bike touring season. Of course, being retired helps with the mileage.
For January and February, goal is zero per week. Anything during these months is lagniappe. I’ll be targeting 75 in March, 100 in April, and 150 (or more) per week from May to October.

I’ll also have a few 400-500 mile weeks during bike touring season. Of course, being retired helps with the mileage.
I was hoping to get at least 40 miles a week preparing me for the DSR. So far... 19 miles in 2025 LOL
Getting an indoor trainer and platform to utilize helps with this. I'm averaging nearly 8 hours a week due to Zwift.
I have a trainer in my outbuilding. I think I'm going to get it and mess with it. It's pretty basic but it's better than not doing anything at all, LOL.
just getting on and maintaining a decent heartrate for an hour or so without stopping pedaling is enough.
just getting on and maintaining a decent heartrate for an hour or so without stopping pedaling is enough.
Yeah, you're right.

I can turn on a YouTube video and bike with others on there. If I had more space, I'd invest in the Zwift stuff but I just don't really have the room for it.