Tuesday Night Twighlight


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Hey everyone! Once the weather starts warming up (post DSR100K, and after it gets dark post 630pm) we will be starting up our spirited "drop" group ride on Thursday nights. This ride started last year initially on Tuesdays, but has since moved to Thursdays. We have some really competitive riding (crit-style), but significantly safer as we all have to go to work the next day. We would love to have everyone come out and give it a go. Until then though, Jeff Maaks has put together a Southern Illinois Zwift group where we set up our very own virtual TNT to keep the spirit of racing going while the hair on our legs grow out over the winter. If you have any questions regarding the rides don't hesitate to ask.

Spirited Ride/Race
-Where: Zwift
-When: 630PM Thursdays
-What: Bring your legs

-Where: Agape Christian
-When: 6 ish PM Thursdays
-What: Legs are optional, keep your eyes up
This is acceptable to be posted here :)

Once you start doing the rides, let me know and I'll add it to the forum calendar. :cool:
For the virtual races, join us in the Southern Illinois Zwifters Facebook group or the same-named club in Zwift itself (found in the Companion app).

This week (Thursday, January 25, 2024) we're doing a "Hares and Hounds Ride" where slower riders start first, next group 4 minutes later, and then the faster folks 3 minutes after that and then attempt to chase the first two groups down.
Another great ride in the books this week. Great turn out for the hare and hounds race. A lot of people showed up and the race was tight at the end. We guessed the time gaps pretty good for our first go. A little tweaking here and there depending on participation and we will be off. It would be great to see it grow over the next few months until we can get back outside
How about another Hares & Hounds Race? Last week's was so much fun let's give this another try. This week we'll be on the Tick Tock route -- it's about the same distance as last week with a couple minor kicks (174' of elevation gain) to make it a little more interesting! Zwift route: Watopia » Tick Tock | What's on Zwift?
We'll figure out groups and head starts once we see who all is riding. Come out and join us this Thursday at 6:30pm!

Event link (feel free to share!): Southern Illinois Zwifters - The at Home Cycling & Running Virtual Training App
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