Bike Insurance

Shawn Gossman

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Do any of you carry bike insurance?

If you get in a wreck, it can cover damages and expenses.

If you do carry it, what company, how much do you pay, what does it cover, what is the deductible?
By that I assume you mean insurance on the physical bicycle hardware. I do not. Something that would do catastrophic damage to the bike means the bike would be the least of my worries........
By that I assume you mean insurance on the physical bicycle hardware. I do not. Something that would do catastrophic damage to the bike means the bike would be the least of my worries........

I've seen some plans where if you wreck, the insurance will cover damage to your bike and even the clothing you were wearing if it got damaged.

I wrecked once and slid down pavement. It destroyed my bib shorts (and skin with it) so that could had come in handy!