Southern Illinois Cycling Community

Quarterly Cycling Newsletter Idea

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Shawn Gossman

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Dec 18, 2023
Hey folks,

I have this idea to send out a quarterly newsletter focusing on local southern Illinois cycling.

It can include events for the quarter, route reviews, trail days, trail work, and everything SI cycling culture.

But I don't want to do it alone.

I could provide the tech stuff, maintain the mailing list and schedule the newsletter to be sent. I can also help with marketing it out to others. But what I'd want from others is content. Send me stuff to include in the newsletter. Anything and everything about southern IL cycling.

Is anyone on board? This would be free for everyone btw. I'm not looking to profit with this.
I think this is a fun idea. The problem is getting the information into the right eyes to help spread the word. Besides the big events what would you like to include? It could easily get repetitive when its "downtime" or 1 big ride and just pushing the local group ride.
I think this is a fun idea. The problem is getting the information into the right eyes to help spread the word. Besides the big events what would you like to include? It could easily get repetitive when its "downtime" or 1 big ride and just pushing the local group ride.
It would definitely need to be more than just events.

That's why, though, I say quarterly sent, so 4 times a year.

I want to envision it to show rider stories, experiences, reviews, and a cycling culture if you will.

I think that could make it awesome.

But, as I said, I couldn't see doing it alone. It would need to be a community-contributed effort.