Southern Illinois Cycling Community

How to Prepare for Cycling in Various Weather Conditions

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Shawn Gossman

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Dec 18, 2023
Cycling in different weather conditions requires preparation and adaptability. Whether you’re facing rain, wind, heat, or cold, having the right gear and knowledge can make your ride more comfortable and safe. Waterproof clothing, thermal layers, and proper hydration are essential. Learning how to adjust your riding technique for slippery or windy conditions is also crucial.

What tips do you have for cycling in challenging weather conditions?

How do you stay safe and comfortable when the weather is less than ideal?
If rain, lower your tire pressures nearly half for better traction, especially on curves. Heat, have a headband to keep sweat out of eyes, and an old racing trick I do is when in mid 90s or higher, I have panty hose I will fill with ice, tie off the end, and drape around my neck and under the jersey on my back. While leaning over riding, the ice melts on your back and drips off, keeping you cool, but your jersey will be soaked, which I enjoy. Keeps your core temp way cooler and will last a couple hours.