Southern Illinois Cycling Community

Do you feel safe riding in southern Illinois?

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Some years ago, I rode to and from work every day. Just a few miles and then did a lot of 50 and 100 mile weekends. I don;t feel comfortable on most roads today as there are too many distracted drivers. I see them almost every day with their cell phones etc. I do ride some back roads and roads in CONWR.
Some years ago, I rode to and from work every day. Just a few miles and then did a lot of 50 and 100 mile weekends. I don;t feel comfortable on most roads today as there are too many distracted drivers. I see them almost every day with their cell phones etc. I do ride some back roads and roads in CONWR.
I started road biking in 2012. I do have the say that as years passed and cell phones became more popular, I've felt the roads have been more dangerous and dangerous each year.
The amount of distracted drivers has put some damper on my want to ride, but I will say that road riding around here is a lot safer than in a slightly bigger city like Paducah or even bigger Lexington. I typically stay away from the busy sections of town depending on where I go, but I've really only had 1 kind of bad incident since moving back and it was just an idiot yelling.
Much more so than when I lived in the west burbs of St. Louis. Less traffic, and with my Garmin Varia bike radar on lesser-traveled country roads I hardly worry at all. I think the only sections where I've worried was when I'd ride Old Route 13 from Marion to the Refuge loop. Once on our Williamson County Wheel Suckers ride I had some guys in a truck yell at me but that's been it.
Much more so than when I lived in the west burbs of St. Louis. Less traffic, and with my Garmin Varia bike radar on lesser-traveled country roads I hardly worry at all. I think the only sections where I've worried was when I'd ride Old Route 13 from Marion to the Refuge loop. Once on our Williamson County Wheel Suckers ride I had some guys in a truck yell at me but that's been it.
I yell back. Or I wave as if I thought they were being friendly LOL